The Students’ Summer
This summer, Ingar and Jan Kristian took on roles as project coordinators and inspectors for Moen Marin at a shipyard in Croatia.
Even during the summer holidays, being physically present at the shipyard is essential for us. Their primary responsibilities included acting as a link between the shipyard and Moen Marin’s suppliers, validating tasks, and reporting on progress. They coordinated meetings and served as additional inspectors in the construction process, which provided a better understanding of the vessels’ progress.
They used their afternoons, when fewer people were onboard, to inspect the shipyard’s work without interruptions. Each day, they reported directly to the project manager, and weekly they compiled reports for senior management and the client. They worked closely with experienced Croatian inspectors, who were invaluable thanks to their knowledge of both the vessels and the shipyard’s culture.
Throughout June, July, and August, they worked on a rotation schedule with a one-day overlap to ensure smooth handovers and participation in production meetings. It was a busy but educational summer, allowing them to follow the boat production process up close — a dream summer job for anyone aspiring to work with vessels in the future!

Ingar is in his fifth year of Marine Technology at NTNU, specializing in engineering. He has been working part-time at Moen Marin since 2019 and will now write his master’s thesis for the company.
Jan Kristian is in his fourth year of Marine Technology at NTNU, also specializing in engineering. He has held a part-time position at Moen Marin for the past year.